Exhibitor List
Country | Uganda |
Category | Biochemical processes |
Hall | 5号馆 |
Booth | G37 |
Website | www.biochemtech.com.cn |
Introduce | BioChem Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. founded in 2003, is solely US-owned company focusing on bioprocess control technology and engineering consultation. All of the technologies originate from BioChem Technology Inc.
BioChem has many core products and technology, namely BIOS II (Biological Intelligence Optimization and Dynamic Control System), BACS (Bioprocess Aeration Control System), ABAM (Advanced Biological Activity Meter), IDPRS (Intelligent Dosing Phosphorous Removal System), Bioprocess optimization and consulting, Wetland Planning and other patented technologies. |
(BIOSII)Bioprocess Intelligence Optimization and Dynamic Control System BIOS II is an integrated hardware and software system that enables real-time monitoring and control of wastewater treatment operations based on the dynamically changing biological activity occurring in the bioreactor. Based on ASM2D model (International Water Association IWA), historical database and expert database BIOS II uses ammonia feed-forward simulation and control algorithm to determine and adjust the set-points of dissolved oxygen (DO), internal return ratio (IRQ), returned activated sludge (RAS) and carbon dosing necessary to meet treatment goals while minimizing energy consumption and sludge deduction. Benefits Make sure to meet the emission standard without significant investment or upgrade of WWTP Stabilize the biological processes Increase the capacity of WWTP and save infrastructure investment Reduce more than 10% operation cost of WWTP Reduce sludge Prolong the lifespan of facilities and save maintenance cost Improve the automation level and save human resource cost |
(BACS)Bioprocess Aeration Control System BACS Model based on feed-forward and feedback controller utilizes DO and airflow as control signals. BACS calculates the total airflow and valve opening and then sends them to SCADA/DCS, coordinates valves to distribute the air accurately to each aeration zone and completes the task of tracing DO set-points within ±0.3mg/L. This ensures stable emission and energy saving. BACS consists of calculation model of sub-pipe airflow, valves opening, total airflow of blowers, backup safety logic, online instruments as DO/SS, flow meter and etc. all of those work together to complete the automatic control of BACS. To ensure BACS fitting into the targeted WWTP, ABAM testing is recommended to carry out, detect the performance of activated sludge and take it as the start-up data. Independent end-display and graphical display are provided for users. Airflow and valves opening set-points can be set in the interface by BACS or manual. BACS functions with perfect backup control logic and ensure the non-stop operation against the break-down of different devices. |
(BIOCRIS)Biological Continuous Reaction Intelligent System 受奥地利Innsbruck大学Ingerl教授发明的污水处理工艺BIOCOS启发,BioChem结合自身优势,将工艺优化系统、精确曝气控制系统、智能控制子站系统整合到先进的工艺理念中,推出能够完整实现生物段达标排放及节能降耗的解决方案——生物连续反应智能系统(BIOCRIS,Biological Continuous Reaction Intelligent System)。该系统是一套强化脱氮效率,并能够完整实现污水处理厂生物段工艺优化与控制管理相结合的全流程独立系统,它将智能化与自动化精确结合,有效地保证了出水稳定达标基础上进一步的节能减排,尤其保证了对总氮的去除效率。同时,该系统特有的结构形式与设备组成对节约基建、设备投资、维护费用及人力资源成本、运营效率均起到了重要作用,为污水处理厂生物段达标排放及节能降耗提供了完整的解决方案。 |
ABAM 由于污水厂实际进水情况与污泥活性均不同,为了保障各智能系统对于目标污水厂的匹配性,均采用BioChem所研发的专利产品——微生物活性测定仪(ABAM)在污水厂定时定量检测污水厂活性污泥性状,以作为各模型决策系统计算的起始依据。ABAM可以在24至48小时内测出当前污水厂生物池中活性污泥的耗氧速率、硝化速率、反硝化速率及磷的释放与吸收速率等微生物对污染物的降解能力参数。 根据实际需求,BioChem研发有三种不同型号的微生物活性测定仪,以更好地服务于不同客户的需求。 |
(ICSAS)Intelligent Carbon Source Adding System 智能碳源投加系统(ICSAS)采用先进的前馈+后馈控制逻辑,根据硝氮浓度与活性污泥反硝化速率计算碳源投加量设定值。外加碳源进行反硝化的污水处理厂,通过智能碳源投加系统自动投加碳源,可在满足反硝化工艺要求的同时,有效降低碳源投加量,节省碳源费用,并避免因碳源过量投加影响出水水质(外加碳源控制设定值精度范围在士10%)。 |
(IDPRS) Intelligent Dosing Phosphorous Removal System 智能加药除磷计算控制系统(IDPRS)主要用于污水厂的化学除磷过程,其内嵌的智能加药模型可以根据进水总磷负荷,精确的计算药物投加量,并在出水端安装一套总磷检测仪,用于系统的后馈逻辑计算,不断的校正模型参数。通过自动加药系统定量投加絮凝剂与混凝剂,可有效降低药物投加量,减少化学污泥产量,最大化的减少加药过程对后续工艺的影响,提高水厂的自动化运行水平。并可以根据进水总磷负荷及出水标准,优化工艺运行参数,使出水在满足排放稳定达标的基础上,节约药耗。 |
(SSIS)Smart Substation IOT System 变电站是电力系统生产活动的基层组织,是企业安全生产的基地,是企业工作的落脚点,是培养和锻炼职工队伍的阵地。因此,抓好变电站工作,尤其是安全生产工作同样是水厂管理中极为重要的一个环节。 美尚生化结合多年经验,依托专业的物联网团队,推出完整的变电站物联网技术,以期用于水厂的变电站管理,辅助其进一步实现水厂的智能运行管理。本系统可集成电气设备状态监测子系统、场站辅助设备状态监测子系统、场站动力监测子系统、场站环境监控子系统、危化品管理子系统、主控软件平台、智能巡检机器人系统和后台信息管理平台等内容,以实现“智能监测、智能判断、智能管理、智能验证”的变电站高质量发展与应用。 |
(SBPIS)Smart Biological Pool IOT System 生物池物联网从感知层、传输层、处理层到应用层全方面分析与解决生物池的潜在问题,为提高生物池运营效率与管理提供了强有力的支持,具体可涵盖有设备检测(如设备的运行状态记录、实时值的采集)、分析应用(如异常值的筛选过滤、故障相关性的分析、核心运行参数的优化值预测等)、APP建设(如手机端实时推送)、VR应用等方面内容。 |
(BICS)Bio-tank Intelligent Control Sub-station BiCS is focusing on the Biological Treament section in the WWTP and its working scope includes all instruments and equiment belong to Bio-tank,blower station ,second sedimentation tank and sludge pumping station.BICS can be independently finish the bioprocess intelligence optimization and control,and also embedded in the whole automatic control system as the sunsystem sperfectly. Componentsc Communication management Process Optimaization Intelligent Control |