Exhibitor List
Country | China |
Category | Chemical-physical processes Water-supply and sewage-disposal services |
Hall | 7号馆 |
Booth | E71 |
Website | www.shandongwanhong.com |
Introduce | Shandong Wanhong environmental protection technology Co.,Ltd. is a production-oriented enterprise focusing on the research and development and production of micro-electrolysis technology products.
Wanhong's new Iron-carbon filler is fully mixed by iron, carbon, GL catalyst, precious metal catalyst, activator, etc., and sintered by high-tech high-temperature sintering technology. Iron-carbon filler is suitable for various high-concentration organic wastewater, which can effectively remove COD, chroma,heavy metals and improve Biochemical, the treatment effect continues to be stable and not tied! |
Iron carbon filler Wanhong's new Iron-carbon filler is fully mixed by iron, carbon, GL catalyst, precious metal catalyst, activator, etc., and sintered by high-tech high-temperature sintering technology. Iron-carbon filler is suitable for various high-concentration organic wastewater, which can effectively remove COD, chroma,heavy metals and improve Biochemical, the treatment effect continues to be stable and not tied! |
微电解反应器/微电解设备 微电解技术是基于电化学、氧化-还原、物理吸附及絮凝沉淀的共同作用对废水进行处理,该法具有适应范围广、处理效果好、成本低廉、操作维护方便、不需要消耗电力资源等优点,是国内废水处理中理想的物化处理工艺。 微电解反应器、微电解设备是微电解工艺运行中必备的废水处理系统,需要有合理的结构及防腐措施。万泓新型催化微电解反应器配备合理的布水布气系统、拥有高强度耐腐蚀的设备墙体及良好的承重能力,该设备长期运行具有操作简便使用寿命长等优点。 本设备在处理高浓度难降解有机废水时有着显著的效果,具有很强的脱色、去除COD、重金属和提高可生化性的功能。如:化工废水、制药废水、电镀废水、农药废水、染料废水等。 【微电解设备的选型】 微电解设备一般按客户实际需求定做。设备大小尺寸由两个参数来决定 1、每小时处理废水水量 2、微电解反应停留时间 【微电解设备材质】 1、碳钢材质 2、玻璃钢材质 |
Micro-electrolysis Filler Wanhong's new Iron-carbon filler is fully mixed by iron, carbon, GL catalyst, precious metal catalyst, activator, etc., and sintered by high-tech high-temperature sintering technology. Iron-carbon filler is suitable for various high-concentration organic wastewater, which can effectively remove COD, chroma,heavy metals and improve Biochemical, the treatment effect continues to be stable and not tied! |